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Nearby Entities

Compare the amount of nearby entities based on a given condition.

The 'actor' entity is the entity with the power, while the 'target' entity is the entity that is being checked.


Field Type Default Description
multiplier Double The factor by which the checking hitbox is multiplied by, with the starting value being your player hitbox.
comparison Comparison The comparison to use.
compare_to Integer The value to compare to.
bientity_condition BiEntityCondition null The condition to check the nearby entities with.


  "type": "origins:self_glow",
  "use_teams": false,
  "red": 1,
  "green": 0,
  "blue": 0,
  "condition": {
    "type": "moborigins:nearby_entities",
    "multiplier": 3,
    "comparison": ">=",
    "compare_to": 3,
    "bientity_condition": {
      "type": "origins:target_condition",
      "condition": {
        "type": "origins:entity_group",
        "group": "undead"
Makes the entity glow red if there are 3 or more undead entities within 3 blocks of it.