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Modify Attack Distance Scaling Factor

Modifies the distance in which mobs will begin to attack the player.


Field Type Default Description
bientity_condition bientity_condition A bi-entity condition with the actor, the mob, and the target, the player.
modifier modifier The modifier to apply to the scaling factor.
modifiers List of Modifier Types A list of modifiers to apply to the scaling factor.


  "type": "moborigins:modify_attack_distance_scale",
  "modifier": {
    "operation": "multiply_total",
    "value": -1
  "bientity_condition": {
    "type": "origins:actor_condition",
    "condition": {
      "type": "origins:in_tag",
      "tag": "minecraft:raiders"
Makes it so raiders are peaceful towards the player, but will attack them if the player attacks them first.